Hiya 👋 I’m Mark.

What does your
podcast need today?

When podcasters get stuck, I help clear roadblocks and get them moving again. And I help first-time creators pick up a mic and start leading with their voice. How can I help you today?

Download my free podcast launch kit.

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Mark at the MAC gallery

I help creative thinkers & doers frustration and skip to the good bit.

The road to an effective podcast is long and full of bumps, blockages, sharp turns and dead ends. You can’t “complete” podcasting, so there is no destination – but if you’ve got a good travel companion, there’s loads of fun to be had along the way.

I specialise in helping solopreneurs create podcasts that sound like nothing else. I don’t have a lofty mission statement or a wide-eyed manifesto, other than to help you do your best work, reach your target audience, and have fun in the process.

I’ve worked with TV celebrities, best-selling authors, complete beginners and seasoned pros. I’ve been making noise on the Internet since the turn of the century, built tech products to support the industry, and since 2008 have helped over 1,500 podcasters get their start.

I have an engineer’s brain which makes me a rapid and solution-focused thinker. But as a pianist, singer-songwriter and storyteller, I have the soul of a creative. I’m also an empath, so I lead from the heart and love solving problems and clearing way confusion.

Here’s where I come from